
Top Facts for clash with Hamburg

Hoffenheim versus Hamburg. brings you all the important facts and figures about the Bundesliga match taking place on Sunday, at 15.30 in the Rhein-Neckar-Arena.
  • The only win that Hoffenheim have registered against Hamburg was a 3-0 victory that sent them top of the table on Matchday 9 of last season.
  • Hoffenheim are winless in seven matches (3 draws, 4 loses), scoring only two goals, only VfL Bochum holds a worse record (9 winless matches).
  • Hamburg have only won one of their last six games (2 draws, 3 loses).
  • Until now Hoffenheim have won half the points (30) in their return league encounters than they did in the first league matches of the season (60).
  • 16 different players have hit the back of the net for Hamburg - the most in the league.
  • Hoffenheim are yet to concede a headed goal in their home stadium. HSV have scored 4 times with their heads only Hannover have scored less.
  • No team has let in less goals before the 15th minute than Hamburg (2) - since 4th October 2009 Hamburg have not let in a goal before the 20th minute.
  • This season Hoffenheim have been given 6 penalties, a league high, 5 of which they managed to convert. Since their promotion 1899 Hoffenheim have been given 16 penalties in total- only Wolfsburg have received as many.
  • This is not the first time these two coaches have met, as Ralf Rangnick will remember his triumph in the 2nd Division over Bruno Labbadia. Rangnick masterminded a 5-0 win over Sinsheimern Greuther Fürth, who were managed by Labbadia at the time, during the 2007/08 season.
  • HSV have won none of their 8 games when Mladen Petric, who could miss out due to injury, has been out of action (5 draws, 3 loses) only scoring 8 gaols in the process.


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